Research Focus

The primary goal of my current research is to improve the lives of persons living with chronic pain.

Dr. Hadlandsmyth’s current studies include: 1) The Perioperative Pain Self-Management (PePS) study (HSR&D IIR 20-115). This is a type I trial of the PePS intervention among surgical patients to prevent chronic postsurgical pain and prolonged opioid use. This study is also preparing for subsequent implementation of PePS. 2) The Rural Women’s Chronic Pain (RWCP) study (ORH # 16023). This study involved a mixed methods needs assessment, design of a multicomponent telehealth behavioral pain self-management intervention, and a feasibility pilot of the intervention among rural women Veterans with chronic pain. 3) The Associations between Pain and PTSD (APAP) study(ORH # 03857). This study is conducting a mixed methods needs assessment of rural-dwelling Veterans with comorbid chronic pain and PTSD that will inform subsequent intervention development.

 We are specifically interested in:

  • Trialing behavioral pain self-management interventions during the acute pain phase to prevent the development of chronic pain and long-term opioid use.
  • Examining epidemiological opioid prescribing patterns to identify optimal points for early behavioral interventions. 
  • Tailoring behavioral pain self-management interventions to under-served populations.

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