The Department of Anesthesia currently employs over 60 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs).

CRNAs are integral and invaluable to the delivery of anesthesia services to patients. The staffing model for CRNAs at the University of Iowa is a collaborative practice model where CRNAs provide anesthesia in collaboration with an assigned faculty member.

Ann Smith

Ann Smith, MS, CRNA

Ann Smith, MS, CRNA, is the Chief CRNA. She received a Master’s of Science degree from the University of Minnesota and completed her Anesthesia CRNA training at the Minneapolis School of Anesthesia. As Chief CRNA, some of her responsibilities include:

  • Marketing the CRNA program
  • Operational workflow
  • Quality and safety regarding the  CRNA role
  • Informatics, and policies/procedures involving the CRNAs
  • Recruitment of CRNAs:  interviewing, hiring, onboarding of new CRNAs.
  • Conducts annual performance evaluations of CRNAs
  • Executes administrative oversight of all CRNAs
  • Serves on several Anesthesia Department Committees
  • Serves as Anesthesia faculty/CRNA liason
  • Co-Chair for UIHC PA/ARNP Committee
  • Serves on the PA/ARNP UIHC Credentialing Committee
Michael Pomeroy

Michael Pomeroy, DNP, CRNA

Michael Pomeroy, DNP, CRNA, is the Assistant Chief CRNA. Dr. Pomeroy received his Doctor of Nursing Practice in Anesthesia from the University of Iowa Nurse Anesthesia program.
As Assistant Chief CRNA, some of his responsibilities include:

  • In conjunction with the Chief CRNA, provides administrative oversight of the Main Operating Rooms, Stead Family Children’s Hospital, and Ambulatory Surgery Center CRNAs
  • Assists the Chief CRNA with yearly performance evaluations of the CRNAs
  • Assists the Chief CRNA with recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and onboarding of CRNAs
  • Conducts quality improvement projects
  • Serves as an Epic physician informatics officer
  • Serves on several Department committees
Christine McNair

Christine McNair, CRNA

Christine McNair, CRNA, is the Assistant Director and Anesthesia Liaison, Presurgical Evaluation Clinic. Christine received her MSN in Anesthesia from the University of Iowa Nurse Anesthesia program.  She is the Associate Director of the Anesthesia Digestive Health Clinic (ADHC). 

As Assistant Director, some of her responsibilities include:

  • Communicate, Collaborate, and Coordinate with Gastoenterology leadership regarding procedure suite productivity, outcomes, and areas of opportunity
  • Plan, coordinate, and execute quality improvement initiatives that will benefit the patients served by the Department of Anesthesia
  • Communicate, Collaborate, and Coordinate with DHC staff and RN callers to ensure patient flow and perioperative preparation and planning are carried out in an efficient and effective manner
  • Ensure procedure suite clinical policies and protocols are developed as neccessary and routinely reviewed updated with evidence-based practices in collaboration with DHC nurse leadership
  • Develop a comprehensive anesthesia preoperative RN phone call evaluation process
  • Worth with HCIS/EPIC team to routinely evaluate and modify proprocedural EHR workflows
  • Collaborate with Perioperative Services to identify opportunities to improve care delivery for GI cases done after hours and on weekends
  • Collaborate with departmental staffing group to anticipate and best meet the demands and allocation of providers to the DHC
  • Establish, review, and modify DHC provider manuals to guide standarized care delivery in the DHC
  • Orient and mentor learners and new staff rotating through PEC
Melissa Gonzalez

Melissa Gonzalez, MSN, CRNA

Melissa Gonzalez, MSN, CRNA, is the Pediatric Lead CRNA. She received a Master’s of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Iowa, College of Nursing and completed her Anesthesia CRNA training at the University of Iowa. As Pediatric Lead CRNA, some of her responsibilities include:

  • In conjunction with Chief CRNA, providdes administrative oversight of the CRNAs assigned to the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital (SFCH)
  • Assists the Chief CRNA in administrative oversight of Children's Hospital CRNAs (logging work hours, development of monthly comprehensive clinical schedule)
  • Responsible for the development and implementation of clinical orientation and student nurse anesthetist clinical rotations in the SFCH
  • Assists the Chief CRNA with yearly performance evaluations of SFCH CRNAs
  • In conjunction with Chief CRNA, recruit, interview, hire, and orient CRNAs for employment at SFCH
  • Conduct quality improvement projects pertaining to SFCH
Steve Mobley

Steve Mobley, MS, CRNA

Steve Mobley, MS, CRNA, is the Anesthesia CRNA Workroom Liaison. He received a Master’s of Science degree in Nurse Anesthesia from Saint Vincent College and completed Anesthesia CRNA training at Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, Pa. As CRNA Workroom Liaison, some of his responsibilities include:

  • Represent the department as needed and as appropriate within UIHC, specifically Hospital-Administration and Perioperative Services
  • Ensure compliance with TJC and UIHC institutional policies and procedures
  • Meet with sales representatives and other vendors along with the Anesthesia Workroom Supervisor as needed to evaluate new products, medications, and procedures
  • Lead quality control monitoring and issue resolution
  • Monitor supply chain management as it relates to workroom activity 
  • Facilitate evaluation of space utilization and workroom organization
  • Recommend lean process improvement initiatives