Our regional anesthesiologists care for a wide variety of patients with pain after surgery or trauma. 

In 2022, we performed approximately 4,440 regional nerve blocks in patients undergoing a variety of surgery including orthopedic, cardiothoracic, hepatobiliary, urological and gynecological surgeries. We perform a variety of upper, lower limb and truncal blocks and additionally have a home-going catheter regional block program. We also have a multidisciplinary pain management team for caring for complex pain patients.


We have a robust educational program and a proud ACGME-accredited fellowship program. Each year we train two fellows in regional anesthesiology and acute pain medicine. Our training program enables our fellows to be proficient in the plethora of regional anesthesia techniques, handle complex pain patients and be effective educators in the specialty of regional anesthesiology and acute pain medicine.


Our research includes both clinical and basic science research:

  • Additives to local anesthetics for interscalene plexus blockade
  • Acute and chronic pain after thoracic surgery
  • Sonoanatomy for adductor canal block
  • Preclinical postoperative pain mechanisms

Latest Publications

Our latest publications include: